First blog post

Welcome!  Thank you to Shakespeare for the title inspiration.  Worthy, indeed, are our ancestors.  Worthy of remembering, worthy of research, worthy of sharing with others.  Each ancestor is worthy, for each played a role in our story.  Who we are and how we got to our current place in our lives are thanks to our collective ancestors for many, many generations across time.  We also recognize their contributions to the inspiration and drive for creating our own life stories.

I am a fan of history and genealogy, and I am eager for a place to share some of the souls who amaze and inspire me.  Some of the individuals featured are my ancestors; some are ancestors or collateral family members of my relatives and my friends.  Some that I will feature are folks I have run across in my research and are a part of the community or time period I was studying.

It is my goal to find the truth, as best I can.  If you do not seek the truth, it would be better for you to not read my blog.  In fact, it would be better for you to not engage in genealogy research or study at all.  When you start the process of family research,  you do not know what you might find.  It might rock your world.  You might discover that family legends are more nuanced than you supposed.  People are complicated.  Lives are complicated.  The truth is not a soundbite and does not fit into a brief paragraph.  The truth can be surprising, but I believe the truth ultimately is redemptive and leads to our personal growth.

What you will find here, primarily, are stories of remarkable people, inspired by #52ancestors.  If you find a topic or person featured here that you have researched, I welcome your discussion and insights.  If you think I have published an error, I welcome your thoughts and input.  I also will feature guest contributors, friends and family members who are dedicated, enthusiastic genealogists and family  historians with interesting stories to tell.

One more caveat, for now:   Do not assume that my posting of a person is totally researched and totally accurate.  I will do my best to present what I know to be true, to specify what are family stories and legends, and to identify speculative thoughts and the basis for them.  I invite being fact-checked and cross-referenced.  I consider all of my research to be a work-in-progress.

Thanks so much for joining me on my journey!  I look forward to our time together!

6 thoughts on “First blog post

    1. Well, that’s pretty funny… I am tempted to agree. Still, about the time I think there is something unredeemable about someone, if I dig deeper, I see an added dimension, like context… head injury? war? abandonment or abuse? And almost always I see offspring who survive in spite of the individual, and sometimes even because of him/her. And sometimes the survivors are looking for those stories of those specific individuals in order to put their lives into context.

      Thanks for your comment!


      1. Hard to stop… It’s the dopamine effect. I have several blogs, all preserving the past. It beats watching TV.


    1. Thanks for asking! This phrase is from Shakespeare. “Of” is implied. Today we would say, “worthy of the note.” I like this, because it implies a sense of history, but I apologize for the confusion. Thanks for checking in!


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